Laura Volpe

Laura Volpe, 1997, started dancing in Padova. In 2015 she travelled back and forth to Rome one week per month, attending via scholarship the Professional Training Center DAF Dance Art Faculty directed by Mauro Astolfi.

In 2016 she moved to Reggio Emilia, taking part in Agora Coaching Project directed by Michele Merola and Enrico Morelli. Here, she danced new creations and repertoire pieces by: Paolo Mohovich, Gustavo Ramirez Sansano, Simona Bertozzi, Emanuele Soavi, Mario Coccetti, Ricardo Fernando, Michele Merola and Enrico Morelli.

In september 2017 she moved to the Netherlands to attend ArtEZ Bachelor of Dance for dancers and makers in Arnhem, where she graduated from. During her studies she worked on new productions by: Georg Reischl, Roser López Espinosa, Katja Hetimann and on pieces of the repertoire of: Marco Goecke, Lucinda Childs, Trisha Brown e Krisztina De Chatel. She spent the season 2020/2021 as a stager in Scapino Ballet Rotterdam, dancing pieces by: Ed Wubbe, Alba Carbonell Castillo, Justin De Jager, Joost Vrouenraets and Borna Babić.

Since the season 2021/2022 she has joined the Theater Nordhausen in Germany, directed by Ivan Alboresi.

Since 2021 she has been a dancer with the Lost Movement Company.